Online marketing; but more specifically social media has become a very powerful proponent to brand marketing as well as driving lead to a business. While twenty percent of all Facebook users have purchased a product after either seeing an ad for it or reading a friends comment about it, we are finding that the use of social media is powerful in one’s marketing efforts. This may explain why over ninety percent of all American companies have begun to incorporate social media into their efforts to market themselves. Business consulting specialists will also speak to how there are other forms of brand marketing that are powerful as well, such as email marketing in which they can directly measure. Nine out of ten companies will do some form of social media marketing, but only one out of eight will directly measure the revenue that social media has brought them. Because of that email marketing is encouraged, and while many small business owners agree in the power it holds, they will admit that they spend fewer than three hours a week on it. This is why with SEO being the most effective lead generator, businesses need custom website design professionals as well as a logo designer to create an eye catching sight that will drive online leads and make potential customers feel engaged when they enter the site. This will make their brand marketing much more effective as well. Find out more at this site: www.vitalimageconcepts.com