Recruiting for higher education isn’t easy, especially in 2022. With so many colleges and universities having to close their doors due to Covid, campus tours and in-person visits have come to screeching halt. It’s getting harder to reach the target demographic of students that you are looking to onboard, but engineers are developing tools to change that. With new crm for university admissions popping up all over the place, you can use these handy tools to expand your online reach to your target audience. One of these softwares is the Education Cloud.
In this video, we will learn all about the Education Cloud and how it works to expand your recruiting and admissions work.
Without a doubt, the Education Cloud is built with several features to assist in the recruitment process. Any visitors to your website are allowed to make a personal account, where you can ping them directly about their interests and prospective majors. You can also invite visitors to communities, where they can connect with other incoming graduates. This network-building focus will ensure that visitors feel comfortable and welcome in your space, and increases the change of them applying to your university.