While it may sound a bit dramatic, most people can’t live without their computers, iPads, and smartphones. That said, when these and other tech devices aren’t functioning optimally, are infected with viruses, or have cracked screens, getting them repaired can’t happen fast enough.
It’s amazing to consider that over the past 2 years, 16 million American households have had major issues with computer viruses. This amounts to 40% of households that have been affected by one or more types of malicious software.
According to Symantec’s 2016 Internet Security Threat Report, over 430 million new types of malware were discovered. This was an increase of 36% from 2014. While it may be challenging to keep up with all of this malicious activity, it’s important to note that there are local computer virus removal services that can provide a virus clean up.
If being besieged by malware isn’t horrendous enough, there is all that annoying, time-consuming, and often dangerous spam with which to contend. Over 60 billion emails are sent on a daily basis, and 97% of these turn out to be spam. While some of this email may end up in spam folders, it’s not unusual for a considerable amount of it to sneak into an inbox camouflaged as regular email messages.
Even when smartphone users are careful, these devices can slip out of their hands in an instant. Other accidents happen, too, which result in phones with cracked or otherwise damaged screens. While 3 out of 10 cell phone users will damage their phones over the next year, approximately 10% are currently using a damaged phone.
How often do you think cell phones are broken? According to SquareTrade, this occurs every 2 seconds in the United States alone. Americans spend quite a bit to replace their broken cell phones. In 2014, this amounted to $23.5 billion.
Whether you need computer repair services to take care of your phone, desk or laptop, you’re probably searching for a local computer repair company. When you take your devices into their shop, be sure to ask for tips on keeping them in optimal condition. If you’re not as tech-savvy as you would like to be, it’s good to know that the experts working at these repair companies are.