Even through all the changes and updates and releases and adjustments to the Almighty Google Search Algorithm, search engine optimization remains one of the single best methods for increasing web traffic to your company, product, or service. Period. It can literally bring the world to your doorstep. And that’s great.
But what about local customers?
People are sometimes accused of “not seeing the forest for the trees,” but never forget: without those trees, there is no forest. Our “forest” is made up of a local economies, and each of them contributes to the over all picture, yes, but each economy is also a living, breathing organism all on its own, and deserves your care and attention.
Local SEO companies and local SEO marketing agencies focus on the trees. They know how to promote your business not only to the people who will click items into a shopping cart, but also to the people who may actually set foot in your store. They know that the desire to browse, wander, handle, heft, touch, feel… that all these things are alive and well in the average shopper, and all the convenience in the world wide web can’t ever fully supplant the idea of physically holding something before you buy it.
A good SEO company takes this desire into account, and markets to the people who might ring that little bell above your door. But good SEO companies can also integrate that experience with the online side of your business, expanding your reach to those who physically can’t walk into your store, even though your website might make them want to.
And yes, local SEO companies themselves can be (you guessed it) local. Your marketing isn’t handled by some distant firm on one coast or another, across the continent or even across the oceans. Local SEO companies can very easily be places you yourself can actually walk into, sit down with the experts, draw up some plans, and really get to know what they can do for you, face to face, instead of a constant string of impersonal emails.
The forest is important, and it always will be. But the trees are why it’s important, not the other way around. Local strength grows to global strength, and local SEO companies know how to get you there, from the ground up. Continue.