How important is social media for connecting to consumers? It’s a question many businesses looking to pay for social media services want to know. Research as well as anecdotal evidence would say: very important. According to a new report by ABC News, there’s a unique trend occurring in light of this importance: social media prenups.
This might sound like the punchline to a comedian’s routine, but for many couples, it’s no joking matter. In an interview with ABC, attorney Ann-Margaret Carrozza explains that social media can have a direct impact on people’s lives, and when something inappropriate is posted, it can be hard to shake off. “It can be humiliating. It can be painful… I expect this clause to become much more important with any of the other contracts.” Many couples are creating monetary prenups worth as much as $50,000. Is an unflattering photo worth posting with that hefty price tag?
To add some leverage to the conversation, Dr. Karin Ruskin, a relationship guru and psychotherapist, points out that requiring a social media contract might hint at some deeper problems in the relationship. While mistakes happen, “If someone doesn’t listen when you ask them not to post a picture of you in your bathing suit, maybe you should’t be dating them,” she explains.
In an interesting tangent, four out of every five divorce attorneys agree that social networking and websites are increasingly common as part of dialogue in divorce proceedings. It’s no secret, really, that social media marketing services are now a big part of our everyday life events, from birth to marriage to even divorce.
Given this information, it’s no surprise that many businesses are now prioritizing small business online marketing. Companies have always been looking for a way to connect to consumers on a lifestyle level. It’s not just about showing them a product or service — it’s about making that product or service a part of conversation. Internet marketing strategies allow a new window into the lives of consumers that has never been so open before.
Social media marketing companies are in a key strategic position to help businesses both small and large hook into their ideal audience. Would you pay for social media services? Let us know in the comments. More like this.