There are many reasons why police in car video systems are used throughout the country. One of the main reasons is for the safety of police officers while they are out on duty, because the footage can help protect them from harm, as well as false accusations. These in car dash cameras are also useful while training new cops, and for keeping any police department accountable for its actions.
So, it’s critical to make sure that only the best police in car video systems make it into any officer’s cruiser. Here are few things to look for when picking the right one.
- Stamina. This doesn’t mean that a camera won’t break if a cruiser crashes, it refers to daily wear and tear. A strong camera will be able to withstand various weather conditions, such as snow, ice, and rain. When a camera has a high International Protection (IP) rating, it will likely last longer, though submerging a camera in water will damage it after a period of time.
- Night Vision. The video camera should also be able to take clear video at night. Some cameras are manufactured with LED lights that help to illuminate dark areas as they record, and would be ideal for police cruisers.
- Audio. It is fairly critical for police officers to have audio recording capabilities on their cameras as well, because it can be critical to proving their innocence, or even their guilt. In one traffic ticket pull-over last year, a woman claimed that an officer treated her and her children horribly, using foul language and making them get out of the car and sit in the cold. His cruiser camera proved otherwise, and without audio, her claims could not have been refuted as easily.
With the best car cameras on board, police officers can do a better job of protecting the community. The high-tech ones are fairly expensive, but most police departments will likely feel that the investment is worth it.