A good website is everything. Doesn’t matter what you’re selling or advertising. At the end of the day, a website that fails to connect with its user-base and communicate its capabilities risks being swallowed up by the millions of competitors on the market. Because of this a business to business website design service is more in demand than ever before, with countless small to large businesses seeking out the aid of those who are fluent in the art of communicative design, marketing strategies and coding. Should you find yourself in a similar boat, you’ll be happy to know less truly is more. Once you achieve a few basics you’ll be finding yourself better off than you’ve ever been. Below are the top five elements separating a mediocre website from an outstanding one.
Don’t Take Too Long To Load
Let’s get the easiest, yet most potentially damaging, aspect out of the way. A business to business website design service will always know better than to clutter your website with memory hungry animations and advertisements, both of which can make a page a cluttered, dragging mess. Studies have shown 40% of people will outright abandon a web page if it takes more than three or four seconds to finish loading.
Keep Your Design Attractive And Simple
First impressions go a long way. This couldn’t be more clear than the impact a website has on the average viewer. A website that looks sloppy, cluttered or dull can turn countless people away and risk putting your business in the pile of obscurity. Studies have shown an overwhelming majority of people at 94% will cite poor web design as a reason they either rejected or mistrusted a website. Another 46% said web design is their number one criterion for determining credibility.
Know Your Basic Color Theory
Similar to the above tip, color theory is the art of combining color in a way that’s appealing, striking and memorable. A business to business website design company should be incredibly familiar with how to craft a website that’s representative of your brand through an artistic approach. A common rule of thumb is no more than three colors to tie a site together, with bright colors often more appealing than darker ones. Nearly 40% of users will stop engaging with a website if the layout is unattractive.
Remain As Cohesive As Possible
You never want a customer struggling to find your contact information or biography page. The point of a website, after all, is to invite customers to keep coming back for more, not wondering why they even bothered in the first place! Studies have shown 44% of people will leave a website if they can’t find contact information within a few seconds. B2B marketing agencies are quite practiced in creating easy-to-access information in bite-sized pieces, making visual consumption easy and fun for any casual viewer.
Customize For Mobile
Last, but certainly not least, we have mobile customization options. The world is an increasingly globalized one, with most people constantly connected to their tablets and iPhones for shopping, browsing and entertainment purposes. An ongoing survey found over 60% of companies designing websites specifically for mobile actually had increased sales than those that did not! Any business to business website design service worth its salt will make your website accessible to anyone whether they’re using a laptop, home computer or phone to search for products and services. Now that you know what separates a good site from a poor one, how are you going to make yours stand out in the pack?