How To Find The Right Manager For Your Office

It’s no secret that in order to operate at peak efficiency, an office must have the right office manager. After all, a manager encourages employees, offers constructive criticism, manages the office and finds ways to make a company’s entire operation run more smoothly.

It’s also no secret, that now more than ever people are changing jobs. That’s especially true among millennials, who have been dubbed the “Job Hopping Generation” in some circles. But regardless of age or years of experience, people are looking for new jobs more than ever.

Surveys from 2015 indicate 2.7 million people voluntarily left their jobs by the end of June 2015. Why are so many people switching jobs? The answer is simple: in large numbers, workers aren’t recognized for their hard work, they’re unmotivated, they aren’t always clear on what their jobs entail and not many believe their superiors are getting them to do their best work.

Whatever the reason for leaving one job for another, compani