There are some very interesting facts surrounding plastric injection mold makers and the entire process in general. In 1872, John Wesley Hyatt along with his brother patented the first plastic injection molding machine. In 1939, the need for mass production of products during World War II increased the popularity of plastic injection molding in manufacturing.
Currently the plastric injection mold maker process produces many different every day products including toothbrush handles, pocket combs, automotive dashboards and so many more. This makes the process highly versatile.
The plastric injection mold maker process produces many pieces in a short period of time allowing manufacturers to experience low labor costs. Addition, these plastic injection molding machines produce very little in the way of scrap material, making the process rather environmentally friendly.
Today, there are more than 20,000 different types of mold material that can be used with plastric injection mold makers. This means that this process can be used in many different manufacturing applications. For instance, there are numerous thermoplastics and polymers that can be used with the plastric injection mold maker process. These substances can be mixed with other compounds that give manufactures a wide range of materials that can be used for different products. These materials can be chosen for flexibility, strength, or other properties the products need. In 1990, aluminum molds were introduced as part of the plastric injection mold maker process, creating an even broad range of applications.
The plastric injection mold maker process use machines called presses. These machines have several parts including the mold, which is actually attached to a larger machine. This mold is injected with the plastic or polymer material to a level that is about 95 to 99 percent full. Pressure is applied to the plastric injection mold maker to create the part. The faster the plastic is injected during the plastric injection mold maker process, the more accurate the finished product will be. After the plastic part has cooled, it will be ejected from the mold.
The thermoplastic injection molding process is efficient, fast, and environmentally friendly. All of these benefits of the plastric injection mold maker allow the consumer to have useful and cost effective products.