Are You Aware of the Water Issues That Others Face Around the World?

Social media may have its shortcomings, but it also plays a vital role in informing and mobilizing a generation.
Although there are many people who still toward both the power and the intent of the social media platforms that are so pervasive in our society, it is difficult to ignore what has become a part of our every day lives. And while it may have once been easy to say that you were not aware of the problems that plaque the world, one quick scroll through Twitter this week might have caught you off guard.
Reports from the United Nations states that Yemen is currently facing the worst humanitarian crisis this world has ever seen. As evidence, the post indicated that 80% of the country’s population, which represents 24 million, is in desperate need. The fact that a child is dying every 10 minutes as 17.4 million lack access to safe water which as led to a huge Cholera pandemic. Activists of many ages can share their anger, passion, and bewilderment that a you know a problem t