Taking A Closer Look At The Issues Of Job Retention – And How They Can Be Solved
Conducting an executive search can be difficult but, as many human resources consulting firms are well aware of, the executive search is something that is becoming more and more necessary with the passage of time. In many ways, this need for more and more executive search endeavors can be tied back to poor rates of job retention found all throughout the United States. The concern surrounding job retention and the executive search process is very much a well founded one, backed up by the data that has been gathered on the subject.
For instance, it is not uncommon for an employee to leave their job shortly after starting it in the first place. As a matter of fact, up to one fifth of all employees will leave a new role after an average of only just 45 days, a period that is even shorter than a mere two months. And in the June of 2015 alone, more than two and a half million