Owning a small business is hard enough. Of all the things you have to worry about, security has got to be one of the most galling. After all, if organizations such as Sony Pictures and the Office of Personnel Management are not immune to hacks, then who is? Those two cases of hacking are just...
Spend enough time researching Search Engine Optimization online and you’ll inevitably see the phrase, “Content is king,” repeated ad nauseum. But is content really king? Or is it more like that red-headed prince in England who’s main responsibility seems to be hanging out with blonde Americans in Las Vegas, and blonde French girls in Paris,...
Search engine marketing is an important way of bringing new customers to your website. Google handles more than 3.5 billion search queries every single day; that’s a huge customer pool you should be focusing on tapping. Search engine optimization is, of course, a part of that process. But you can speed the process up —...
Not all jobs are created equal. Some job have far less room for error than others. As a researcher, scientist, or lab technician, you understand this sentiment perhaps better than anyone else. As such, you understand the importance of laboratory management software. The work completed in laboratory requires precision attention to detail and no margin...
Many people do not want to spend the money that is required for a security system. They can be very expensive, after all. However, if you live in a bad neighborhood or you feel that you are at risk of having your home robbed at some point, it might be a good idea to invest...
The cloud is becoming a staple in businesses as we move into a more digitalized world. Statistics clearly show that this has become a trend and that it will be continuing on for the foreseeable future. Looking at the facts, you can clearly see the trend of switching to and updating cloud services. For example,...
Today, almost every individual and business owner is familiar with content marketing, whether in the form of advertising through social media, web search optimization or other methods. However, with technology and the modern market constantly developing and improving, content marketing strategies have no choice but to change with them in order to be effective. For...
Businesses that gain work through contracting face an uphill battle from the start. Especially when bidding on government contracts, contractors face stiff competition — and that is an understatement. A bidder on a government contract typically has a 12% chance of winning the contract. The actual work is hard enough; getting the opportunity to work...
B2B online marketing trends come and go, and it seems like every year there’s a new trend that’s “guaranteed” to be effective to B2B lead generation campaigns and usability testing and research. But for the average B2B internet marketing agency, the top priorities of a B2B marketing campaign seem to remain fairly constant. According to...