Communication technology is always moving forward, and one of the most cutting edge and popular current forms of comm tech is fiber optic services. A fiber optic network makes use of thin glass or plastic cables and wires that transmit pulse of light to carry information, and this allows for faster and more secure Internet connections than ever before. Commonly, it is companies and businesses that make use of fiber optic networks, and crews may be hired to install dozens or even hundreds of these cables on the premises. The Internet is rigorously used for business today such as online marketing, research, and sharing files with remote employees and business partners. A solid Internet connection is possible by means of fiber optic cables and traditional Ethernet cables alike, and dark fibers may be installed as well. Just what are dark fibers, and how flexible may the Internet be for a company?
Hiring Fiber Optic Operators and Dark Fiber Companies
A business will need to contact professionals who can install dark fibers and fiber optic cables alike on the premises, and a business manager may look online to find these companies and get their contact information. Once the manager chooses a company to hire, they will allow workers to visit the company’s buildings and string up many fiber optic cables. This may involve some physical labor, where fiber optic operators will secure such cables to rods, walls, thread them through walls and floors, and more. This is a matter of hardware, and skilled operators can get it all installed in a safe and nonconstructive way. This may be the 21st century version of a building getting telephone cables installed on the premises.
Not only that, but extra cables known as dark cables will be installed as well. What does this mean? These are extra fiber optic cables that won’t be initially used when the company begins using fiber optic cables. These dark fibers are extras, and they are important. Some of the fiber optic cables currently in use might fail or get damaged, and if so, these dark fibers may be used to replace them. And in general, a company will want these excess dark fibers to accommodate planned future growth of its Internet use. This way, a company will not have to ask a fiber optic installer company to visit them multiple times to keep installing new fibers as the company’s Internet usage grows. These dark fibers will be conveniently installed alongside the fibers that will be used right away. This may save some hassle for everyone involved, and the installation of those dark fibers may in fact be a standard practice.
Using the Internet
Now the hardware is in place to make for a solid Internet connection. How can a company make the most of it? Modern companies often use the Internet so that employees in many different locations can communicate with each other and share files, and this makes modern employees more flexible than ever before. For example, a meeting may take place and not all of the attendees can be there in person, so Skype and similar live video chat services may be used. This is what’s known as having a “virtual presence,” and this concept is fairly new but already proving to be popular and useful. Several people in a meeting may use a virtual presence, and the computer receiving their live video may be a laptop that is positioned so that its camera can take in the scene. Similarly, live video chat may be used when two people communicate over the Internet as an alternative to using telephones or even smart phones.
Not only that, but file sharing is much easier with a strong Internet connection. Many employees today are working either on board private jets during business trips or they are working remotely at home. It’s popular in the 21st century to work entirely from home in a home office, and a strong Internet connection allows remote employees and office employees alike to share even the largest data files with each other over a distance. Plentiful fiber optic cables at the office will make it easy and fast to send files to remote employees and get files back from them.