Pros and Cons of Hot Aisle Containment

Did you know that Over 65% of IT equipment failures are directly attributed to inadequate, poorly maintained or failed air conditioning in the server room? So what does this statistic mean? In order to understand the benefits of hot aisle containment, you probably will want to know what it is. Hot aisle containment uses a...

Why We Need To Focus On Employee Retention Rates

If you’re taking a look into employee retention rates in the United States, it is easy to see that there is a problem. Any given executive HR search firms providing executive search consultant services will attest to this, as these executive search consultant services have grown more and more popular with the passage of time....

How to Use a cPanel VPS to Your Advantage

A lot rests on the shoulders of a web builder and administrator. Tops on the lists of responsibilities is the safety of the network and those who are connected to it. In this era of identity theft, more than just data is at risk; the user’s livelihood can be exposed. In addition, sites have to...

Here are 3 Reasons to Have Your Phone Fixed By a Professional

These days, most of us take our smart phones with us everywhere we go, as our phones help us throughout the day. Unfortunately, as helpful as smart phones are, they’re more susceptible to damage than ever.About 30% of all iPhones suffer some form of damage over the course of a year. Cell phone damage can...

Different Storage Options for Pharmaceuticals and their Importance

Pharmaceuticals store very sensitive samples and specimens that require very specific conditions to maintain biological and chemical integrity. For this reason, it becomes exceedingly important for these pharmaceutical storage facilities to have the right conditions to sustain both biological and chemical samples. These samples may be sensitive to extreme light, temperature or humidity, and thus...